The goal of Ramalingam Productions Performing Arts Studio (RPPAS) is twofold...To develop the gifts and talents of young children and to share those gifts and talents with the world. Anita Ramalingam, founder and ceo of RPPAS is a native Washingtonian and graduate of Ellington School of Arts and Trinity University in Washington, D.C. Her passion for working with children and the arts began with a missions trip to Singapore where she performed with Youth With A Mission and traveled to such countries as India, Malaysia and the Philippines.
For the last ten years, Mrs. Ramalingam has helped to lead teams of young people to New Mexico working with the Native American population. She believes that Children from any background can be empowered to reach their potential when given the opportunity. Upon completion of her graduate studies, an opportunity to start the company was sparked while she directed a show in a local worship center. Children from various backgrounds had an opportunity to audition and now they continue to perform shows in nursing homes, shelters, community centers, libraries and shopping malls in our local area.
The mission of Ramalingam Productions is clear. We are to empower and encourage young people to discover and use their gifts and talents. Our goal is to bring each child to a level of excellence so they may go out and change their life and their world in a positive and meaningful way.
Exceptional talents will be exposed to advanced training, auditions, and an invitation to participate in the company.